
kajsa Reusable Face Mask

商品貨號 (SKU): 9-SIFM-A-BK
促銷價$11.00 USD

曾經獲得Red Dot Design Award 大奬的香港品牌 - kajsa  以時尚設計風格和高質素用料而聞名,所推出的皮革電子配件一直以來得到各國用家的愛戴和肯定。

今次為了這個全球疫症,品牌精心製作和設計可清洗及循環使用的抗菌口罩;以高端的銀離子物料製作出一系列環保抗菌口罩, 將高端可靠的抗菌布料,舒適親膚的佩戴體驗,環保及時尚,融入大家日常個人衛生保護之中。 



-99.85% 大腸桿菌
-99.99% 金黃色葡萄球菌
-99.99% 白色念珠菌




kajsa is a Red Dot Design Award winning brand based in Hong Kong. We are famous for creating products with fashionable design and using high-quality materials, our leather accessories have been recognized and assured by the users all over the world.

kajsa is currently crafting reusable face mask to response this global epidemic, our kajsa face mask is made of antibacterial fabric which can be washed and reusable. Our masks are using nano silver ion technology, thin and breathable silver-ion fabric with the function of antibacterial and fast drying. It incorporates with modern design, excellent texture and comfortable fit to keep good personal hygiene.

Silver ion fabric can reduce bacteria to effect on the mask and the use of chelation technology allows the silver ions to be tightly bound to the fiber. Therefore, even a repeated washing will not affect the inherent antibacterial features of the fabric itself.

Effective blocking of:
-99.85% E. coli
-99.99% Staphylococcus Aureus
-99.99% Candida Albicans
And more than 600 pathogenic bacteria

Care instruction:
Hand wash up to 30 degrees, gentle wash with mild washing conditions, hang dry
Do not use softener, bleach or alcohol

 (Recommend daily washing, it can be washed up to 200 times without affecting the inherent antibacterial features of the product)

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kajsa Reusable Face Mask 促銷價$11.00 USD